Dear “Conservatives”,
If you block even one young woman from receiving the cervical cancer vaccine and she dies (links to the article, “Cervical Cancer Vaccine Gets Injected with a Social Issue” on, registration required), her death is your fault. Don’t bother pointing the finger at promiscuity this time. Or the devil. Or NPR-listening, Volvo-driving liberals. This time there is a vaccine for a disease that is killing millions of women and you want to withold it based on some wacky (and unscientific) notion that a vaccine will lead to more sex. These are teenagers. Anything leads to more sex. A glass of water. A red car. But I’m getting off topic and that’s what you want. You want us to get lost (again!) in the hotbutton quagmire of teensex!

So, I’ll cut through the rhetoric by mentioning the young women who are raped. The young girls who didn’t ask to have sex, much less to contract a deadly virus. Apparently their early and preventable death from cervical cancer is a small price to pay for the your (incredibly small) piece of mind.

Have I confused anyone? Let me restate this so that it’s perfectly clear because I know your kind likes things stated ‘plain and simple’ : You are to blame if your “morality” leads to the death of even one woman. If even one woman dies from cervical cancer when there is a vaccine available, her blood will be on your hands.