I started to write another blog entry Sunday about the fact that the OM had the flu and so do I, but I was managing about 1 word/minute and usually spelled wrong. My fever is finally down below 100 today (w00t!). Both of us were fluctuating around 102/103 for the first 3 days. I lucked out and got the vomiting part too (yay!!!).

I highly recommend putting together a flu kit. I don ‘t know what we would have done if my Mom hadn’t been around to cook soup for us and go for extra meds and juice. Seriously folks, by day 2 you’re convinced you’re dying. I was sure the body aches were actually, physically breaking my bones. You don’t need everything on the list, but meds (pain reliever, fever reducer, and cough suppressant), soup, and tons of tissues and/or toilet paper are absolute necessities. You really don’t want to run out of toilet paper with a 102 degree fever and a nose that won’t stop running.

The OM had the best luck with Advil Cold & Sinus. It kept her fever and cough manageable for 6 hours at a time so she could actually sleep. I can’t take that so I relied on Tylenol which is great, but only gives me a couple of hours before the fever bounces right back up to brain-frying levels. Whatever you get, get enough to last for at least 4 days. That will get you through the worst of it so you can drag yourself to the store to buy more. Now I’m going back to bed.