And I don’t, which sucks. We used to get all of our colds and flus together or at least a few days apart so there would be mutual suffering. Hmm, maybe I’ll get sick tomorrow.

Today is officially my last day of full-time work at the soul-sucking healthcare marketing office. And since they are moving to another office today I didn’t even have to go in. I went in yesterday and spent a lot of time in the bathroom throwing up and/or trying not to throw up. It’s that time of the month, but I figured I had to go it being my last real day and all. Plus, the fact that I looked like three shades of death, probably kept my boss from going completely postal on me. She just gave me the death ray stare instead. I was too heavily medicated to notice. The programmer and my co-conspirator in the bloodless coup, informed me that my head should have blown up. If my boss actually had powers. Which she doesn’t. She doesn’t even have the power to put up a crummy web site so you KNOW she never mastered the art of killing with her brain.

It’s incredible knowing I don’t EVER have to deal with my boss again. The world really is all puppies and flowers and sunshine. I actually WROTE something last night that had nothing to do with work or school. And it was Fiction! And not poetry! *le happy sigh*