for those who care, I’m hoping this is my last health-related post in…forever. Remember all of those times they told you to take your vitamins? Apparently, they were so fucking right. It now appears that I have megaloblastic anemia, which is scary but fixable. The worst of my neurological symptoms (shaking, violent jerking, etc.) have vanished completely since I started taking huge doses of B-12 sublingual. This isn’t the stuff you get at the drugstore, it’s extra special special stuff you have to order online from very serious vitamin people you’d never want to meet in RL. Once again, thank the ghods for the interweb or I’d be acting out the final scenes from Hilary & Jackie.

So, I don’t have MS (we think), which is such a bonus. I was quite sure a month ago that I was slowly dying of MS. Because, hello!! violent shaking and jerking+neuropathy=Hilary & Jackie disease= MS!! If you’re wondering how I finally found a doctor smart enough to figure this out, I didn’t. We used Google, medical journals, a few lab tests, and my brother the M.D. to figure all of this out ourselves. Because I’d still be at the fucking hospital shaking and jerking and waiting for them to run the 4000th test at this point. No thanks. I have a brain. And a computer. I can do it myself, assholes. or the OM can do it for me because she is teh cybersleuth.

The best part though: the most likely scenario is pernicious anemia (a form of megaloblastic anemia), which is such an incredible name for a disease. It sounds like a Dickens character. Aunt Pernicious Anemia.

Anyway, hopefully this blog will return to something resembling a writer’s blog very soon. And yes, I used the word “resembling” because I’ll never look like a real writer. I’m too short.